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What Is the Difference Between a Routine Eye Exam & a Contact Lens Exam?

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Eye exams are essential for healthy eyes and for your overall health. Many eye and vision problems have no obvious signs or symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment can help maintain your vision. 

You should visit your optometrist regularly for your routine eye exam even if you do not wear corrective lenses or have an eye issue needing evaluation, monitoring, or treatment. If you do wear contact lenses, you should book a contact lens exam. 

At Rock optiX, Dr. Hrach provides both comprehensive routine eye exams and contact lens exams.

Health History During Your Routine Eye Exam or Contact Lens Exam

Whether you schedule a routine eye exam or a contact lens exam with Dr. Hrach, she will ask about any eye or vision problems that you may be experiencing. 

She will also ask about any medications or supplements you are taking, environmental conditions that may be affecting your eyes, and any previous eye or health conditions for both you and your immediate family members. 

Testing & Dilation in Your Routine Eye Exam or Contact Lens Exam

During both a routine eye exam and contact lens exam, Dr. Hrach will test your depth perception, color vision, eye muscle movements, peripheral (or side vision), and the way your pupils respond to light. 

To evaluate your eye health, Dr. Hrach uses microscopes and lenses to assess the structures of the eye and surrounding tissues, including the retina and the optic nerve. She will often use dilating eye drops to temporarily widen the pupil for a better look into your eye. 

Refraction During Your Routine Eye Exam or Contact Lens Exam

During both a routine eye exam and a contact lens exam, Dr. Hrach will measure your visual acuity by performing a refraction. 

Rock optiX has modern technology to measure your eyeglass prescription. Using the Marco OPD-Scan III Visual System will provide a base measurement. Then, with the Marco TRS-5100, you will read letters and numbers on a chart through various lenses, both up close and at a distance, while Dr. Hrach fine-tunes your prescription.

What Is Different During a Contact Lens Exam?

During a contact lens exam, Dr. Hrach will check the fit of your contact lenses by viewing the surface of your eye using a slit lamp microscope to provide a comfortable fit. She may provide different contact lens options based on your refraction and check your vision clarity while wearing the contact lenses. 

After determining the best contact lens for your eyes, Dr. Hrach will provide contact lens trials to try for a week or 2 after the appointment. If your vision is clear with the contact lenses and they are comfortable, you can contact the office to place an order.

If the contact lenses are not right for your eyes, you will need to see Dr. Hrach for another contact lens evaluation. She will provide a different contact lens option for your eyes, considering the best fit for your eyes. 

What’s Different Between a Routine Eye Exam & a Contact Lens Exam?

You will receive the same careful evaluation of your eye health during both a routine eye exam and a contact lens exam. However, if you wear contact lenses, a contact lens exam will check that your contact lenses are the best fit for your eyes.

If it’s your first time wearing contact lenses, a new fitting and training will be required, in addition to your routine eye exam. This will ensure that you have enough time during your eye appointment. 

Ready to take the next step in protecting your vision? Book your routine eye exam or contact lens exam with Dr. Hrach at Rock optiX today!

Written by Dr. Teresa Hrach

Dr. Teresa D. Hrach is an experienced optometrist located in Millis, Massachusetts. She is your neighborhood optometrist who truly cares about your medical needs.

Dr. Hrach was accepted early to optometry school and got her Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Optometry degree from New England College of Optometry. She worked part-time in eye care services until she opened her own optometry practice in 2004. She has board certification as an optometric physician to diagnose, manage, and treat various eye conditions and diseases.

Dr. Hrach has a focus in eye care services that deal with contact lenses and dry eye syndrome. Her main priority is to provide outstanding eye care to her patients. She is passionate about health and nutrition and wants to help her optometry patients see better every day.

If you’re searching for an optometric physician with expert services and a warm, personal touch, come see Dr. Hrach.

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