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What’s the Difference between Bifocals, Progressive, and Transition Lenses?

A variety of trendy glasses with different lenses sit evenly spaced out on a table

Three kinds of lenses that can seem similar are bifocal lenses, progressive lenses, and transition lenses. The difference between these three lenses are: 

Bifocal lenses contain two different prescriptions. These prescriptions are divided by a visible horizontal line across the lens. 

Progressive lenses also have two different prescriptions. However, in progressive lenses, the horizontal line used in bifocals is not present; instead, the two areas are blended smoothly.

Transition lenses darken when exposed to sunlight, but become clear when you’re inside.     […]

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What Is a Contact Lens Fitting?

A contact lens sitting on a white surface with drops of contact lens solution surrounding it.

You’ll need a contact lens fitting because your eyes are unique. Every eye’s shape is a little different, and the prescription you need is going to be different than someone else. Not to mention that there are several different types of contacts! A contact lens fitting lets a trained eye care professional precisely measure your eye and find the right fit for you. […]

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