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How to Tell If Sunglasses Are Polarized?

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Sunglasses play an important role in your overall eye health by protecting your eyes from the sun’s UV rays. But, not all sunglasses are the same. At Rock optiX, we make sure that your sunglasses are protecting your eyes and enhancing your vision. 

What are polarized lenses?

In addition to UV blocking, which is essential for protecting your eyes from sun’s harmful radiation, polarized lenses can improve your overall vision quality by reducing glare in environments with high light intensity. 

Light becomes polarized when it strikes a reflective surface and travels in a uniform (horizontal) orientation. As horizontal light bounces off reflective surfaces, such as water or metal, the light is intensified and affects visibility. 

Polarized lenses have a virtually invisible filter that blocks horizontal light waves while allowing vertical light waves to pass through to your eyes. This reduces glare so that images appear sharper and clearer, increasing the overall comfort for the eyes. 

How to tell if your sunglasses are polarized? 

It is easy to tell if your sunglasses are polarized by looking at a reflective surface with and without your sunglasses. There should be a noticeable difference in glare and contrast. 

You can test the polarization by looking at a mirror or reflective surface with your polarized sunglasses. Hold the glasses slightly away from your face and tilt the glasses left and right to see if glare is reduced.

You can also test your polarized lenses while looking at a LCD screen, such as a TV or computer, or at another pair of lenses that you know are polarized. Hold up your sunglasses and turn them 90 degrees. If it is noticeably darker when you look through the lenses at this angle, then you know that polarized light is blocked out. 

This test works because the anti-glare screen or polarized lens blocks horizontal light, leaving only vertical light. When already polarized surfaces are viewed at a 90 degree angle through polarized lenses, the remaining light waves are filtered out, making the contrast significantly darker. 

Benefits of polarized sunglasses

Polarized sunglasses can improve visibility in high light settings by reducing glare. For instance, they are beneficial when driving in sunny conditions and during outdoor sports activities in water and snow. They are not effective in low light settings with glare, such as when looking at headlights in traffic driving at night.

The main benefits of polarized sunglasses are:

  • Clearer vision in bright environments
  • Decreased eye strain
  • Increased contrast with minimal colour distortion
  • Reduced glare and reflection

What polarized sunglasses should I use for outdoor sports?

Not all polarized sunglasses are the same, and it is important to choose the right lens to ensure the best vision. For instance, when snow skiing or snowboarding, amber/brown provides a high contrast, while rose/vermillion is effective for reducing glare. 

The tint also should be chosen based on the light conditions. For watersports, dark gray is best for bright sun, while light to medium gray is better for low light or cloudy conditions. Brown is best for sunny conditions when surfing or wakeboarding, but vermillion/rose is best for the light intensity at dawn or dusk. 

At Rock optiX, we can help you determine the specifications of your polarized lens that will help you make the most of your outdoor activities.

Polarized Sunglasses at Rock optiX

At Rock optiX, we can help you choose the best eyewear for your vision. Come talk to our team about the benefits of polarized lenses. 

Protecting your eyes is essential for preserving your vision quality. Schedule your next comprehensive eye exam with Dr. Hrach and talk with her about the lens options for your eye health and vision clarity. 

Written by Dr. Teresa Hrach

Dr. Teresa D. Hrach is an experienced optometrist located in Millis, Massachusetts. She is your neighborhood optometrist who truly cares about your medical needs.

Dr. Hrach was accepted early to optometry school and got her Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Optometry degree from New England College of Optometry. She worked part-time in eye care services until she opened her own optometry practice in 2004. She has board certification as an optometric physician to diagnose, manage, and treat various eye conditions and diseases.

Dr. Hrach has a focus in eye care services that deal with contact lenses and dry eye syndrome. Her main priority is to provide outstanding eye care to her patients. She is passionate about health and nutrition and wants to help her optometry patients see better every day.

If you’re searching for an optometric physician with expert services and a warm, personal touch, come see Dr. Hrach.

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